Short Stories

I am Secretary of Oxford Writers Group. We are a diverse group of writers and have published five anthologies of stories set in and around Oxford. The stories cover different genres from historical to darkly comic.

St Giles by Valerie Petts

Through the Cutteslowe Wall, in The Radcliffe Legacy, is my time-slip story set in the Second World War and the present. It is based on the infamous Cutteslowe Walls which divided private houses from an estate of council houses between 1933 and 1959.
Published 2017

Blue plaque where the wall was
The Sheldonion Theatre by Valerie Petts

Through the Mist of Time, in The Midnight Press, features Mrs Balachey who owned Bury Knowle Park in Victorian times. It is now a public park with statues of Aslan and the beavers in tribute to CS Lewis. I use the Narnia Arch as a portal for my protagonist to step back in time.
1st published 2013 

Narnia Arch
Radcliffe Camera by Valerie Petts

In Time for the Wake, in The Bodleian Murders,  begins in the Pitt Rivers Museum and brings together my love of both Africa and Oxford. The story is loosely based on a strange incident concerning a bronze mask I brought back from Nigeria. The mask has since been returned to Nigeria. 1st Published 2010

Other titles by OxPens include

The Lost College and other Oxford Stories

The Sixpenny Debt and other Oxford Strories

A Bronze Mask
